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Friday, May 22, 2009

your blogger's poor self portrait

I've tried many times to write a post about myself, and everytime I've ended up in boring clichés and self promoting anadoctes from my honestly boring life.

In social websites people enjoy performing themselves with quizzes and alike. Me too. Go to my facebook if you want to see my results in loads of quizzes.

In this post I will show a few of the quizzes I've taken. This will my poor selfportrait.

Just some sexy questons for you
Do you wear boxers or briefs, or nothing at all? briefs
Do you like wearing condoms? yeah - they are kind of sexy
biggest turn on? big dicks
Do you like to cam? yes
Ever done nude pics of yourself? yes a couple of times
do you like laying in bed hard? yes
ever slept naked? lots of times
do you like wanking naked, clothed or semi clothed? like to wank when ever!
Best sexual experience with or with out a guy? with, definately with!
Fav way to get off? when being fucked
uncut or cut? uncut
which do you like better cut or uncut cocks? cut dicks!
fav FREE porn site? gaydreamblog.blogspot.com
how easy do you get hard? very easy - just by thinking about a guy
most amount of times you've ever wanked in one day? don't know - maybe 6 times
first sexual experience? 16 with a girl, 17 with a boy - much better at 17
last time you did anything sexual? last night
are you hard now? yes semi hard
how big is your hard on? 18 cm
what are you wearing? jeans, no underwear and a t-shirt
do you like porn, or webcams? both
do you own anysex toys? or porn videos? lots of porn videos and three dildos. some
ropes as well

what is the thing you look for in a guy? face, body, bulge, and if he looks to be wild in bed
you like one night stands or relationships? both!
which celebrity would you fuck? ryan kwanten
would you ever e-mail a nude pic of your self to a porn site or a stranger yes, have done it
would you ever do porn don't know - it turns me on!
which of your friends would you most like to have sex with my straight best friend
most people who have seen you naked and hard at the same time? most people who've seen you wank and most people who you've had sex with at the one time? been in darkrooms and sex clubs, so don't know... Many!

What type of gay guy are you?

You are the horny type! You want to fuck all the time. You've been known to pass your cock or ass around. You don't remember a single guy's name, but remember the month and day you fucked him.

What will your dream boyfriend be like?

Your dream boyfriend will be a surfer. He'll be tanned, toned and laid back. This outdoorsy type is free spirited and lets it all hang out. His passion for surfing keeps him in perfect shape for riding the waves, or riding you!

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glen_mc May 23, 2009 at 4:05 AM  


U look rather cute!

I do enjoy your BLOG so keep up the good work.

Sydney OZ

BoxerDad May 23, 2009 at 6:21 AM  

Well, that was a perfectly nice post about you, and really quite informative I think. Thank you for doing it, Jens. You ARE a gay dream!

Jens Dø May 23, 2009 at 12:47 PM  

@Glen: thanks, I'm glad you like the blog!
@Boxerdad: You are much too kind!

Danny May 23, 2009 at 3:45 PM  

Well aren't you just as cute as a button!!! LOL. Great blog - and thanks for linking me, you're the first blog I check every day.

Jens Dø May 23, 2009 at 4:37 PM  

@Danny: I'm happy you like the blog, and feel vainly happy about you thinking I look cute. Thanks.

riyaz is horny May 24, 2009 at 2:55 AM  

u look cute.ur blog is great. u can visit my blog "htpp://riyazisgay.blogspot.com/"

Unknown May 27, 2009 at 9:28 AM  

I've seen you blog!
it's very good! I like it! It become one of my favourite!

Happy to be your frien on clubb888!


Jens Dø May 27, 2009 at 2:37 PM  

@Riyaz: Thanks, your blog is great.

@estaban: Thanks, your are much too kind.

Greg May 29, 2009 at 1:51 AM  


You are far too modest about your looks. I find you just as handsome as the majority of the guys you feature on your blog. In fact, I would compare you to actor Ryan Phillipe, and I find him incredibly sexy. So please don't be so hard on yourself. You're the kind of guy many of us dream about. Keep up the great work.


Jens Dø May 29, 2009 at 6:26 AM  

@Greg: Thanks! You are very kind! hehe Ryan Phillpe... You just made my day much better - I'm going out tonight, and will definately keep that in mind.
Kisses from Jens.

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